Our Awards
FIRST Championship at Houston Texas

Judge’s Award
The judges’ award is given to the top 8 teams, 1 from each division, at the World Championship, whose efforts the judges appreciate and find exceptional throughout the competition
2024 Bayou Regional

Team Sustainability Award Sponsored by Dow
This Award recognizes FIRST Robotics teams for their longevity and environmental efforts. It highlights teams that positively impact both their communities and the environment through sustainable practices.
2024 Marmara Regional

Judge’s Award
It is the award given by the jury to the team that it appreciates for their effort, dedication, and determination throughout the competition
2024 Bosphorus Regional

Team Sustainability Award Sponsored by Dow
This Award recognizes FIRST Robotics teams for their longevity and environmental efforts. It highlights teams that positively impact both their communities and the environment through sustainable practices.
FIRST Championship at Houston Texas

FIRST Impact Award Finalist (An award given to the top 6 teams annually worldwide, recognizing the team that has achieved the most success during the year and places them among the legends of FRC by receiving the prestigious FIRST Impact Award, given to only one team each year.)
2023 New York City Regional

Regional FIRST Impact Award (The most prestigious award given to the team that has embraced FIRST values the most and has earned the appreciation of the judges with their performance and creative projects during the competition.)
2023 Haliç Regional

Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Abidin Zenginler) (An award named after Woodie Flowers, one of the founders of FIRST and significant mentors, given to honor the mentor who has dedicated themselves the most to FIRST values and their team.)
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors (Given to the robot that demonstrates the best, most creative, and robust design in mechanical, electronic, and software aspects during the competition.)
2022 Pendik Off Season

Dean’s List Finalist
The First Foundation awards a special prize in each competition to only two students.
2022 Bosphorus Regional

Judge’s Award
It is the award given by the jury to the team that it appreciates for their effort, dedication, and determination throughout the competition
Quarter Finals
2021 İzmir Off-Season

Safety Award (Awarded to the team that takes the best safety precautions in the competition and spreads them around)
2020 İzmir Pre-Season

Entrepreneurship Ödül ( Hedeflerini tanıyan, yöneten ve gerçekleştirmek için düzenli bir iş planına sahip olan takımın girişimci ruhunu kutlar. )
2019 Bosphorus Regional

Gracious Professionalism Ödülü ( Yarışma alanı içinde ve dışında First Değerlerini en iyi şekilde yansıtan takıma verilir. )
Yarı Finaller
2018 Turkish Off-Season

Entrepreneurship Ödülü ( Hedeflerini tanıyan, yöneten ve gerçekleştirmek için düzenli bir iş planına sahip olan takımın girişimci ruhunu kutlar. )
2018 New York City Regional

Entrepreneurship Ödülü ( Hedeflerini tanıyan, yöneten ve gerçekleştirmek için düzenli bir iş planına sahip olan takımın girişimci ruhunu kutlar. )
Çeyrek Finaller
2018 Istanbul Regional

Excellence in Engineering Ödülü ( Robot tasarımı en profesyonel ve farklı olan takıma verilir.)
2017 Orange Country Regional

Judge’s Ödülü ( Jüri heyetinin yarışma boyunca emeğini, çabasını ve azmini takdir ettiği takıma verdiği ödüldür. )
Dean’s List Ödülü ( First’ün sadece her yarışmada iki öğrenciye verdiği, vakıf tarafından özel olarak verilen bir ödüldür)
2016 Turkish Off-Season

Entrepreneurship Ödülü ( Hedeflerini tanıyan, yöneten ve gerçekleştirmek için düzenli bir iş planına sahip olan takımın girişimci ruhunu kutlar. )
5000$ Grant Ödülü ( Sponsorluk )
Yarı Finaller
2015 Central Illinois Regional
Rookie Inspiration Ödülü
( Yarışmadaki acemi takıma, okulunda ve çevresinde yaptığı mühendislik başarılarını kutlar.)